Enterprise Modernization
Building the Enterprise of the Future
Lawrence Livermore National Lab stands at an exciting point in its history. To ensure we can provide the capabilities the nation counts on to contribute to the nuclear deterrent in the face of an uncertain future, SD is turning its attention to modernizing the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) enterprise with the Lab’s partners.

Stockpile Modernization
SD is contributing to two stockpile modernization programs—the W80-4 Life Extension Program and the W87-1 Modification Program. Using the insights gained from these programs, we are also identifying improvements to dramatically reduce the time it takes to deliver future programs. Tasked with innovating and modernizing designs and production, SD forms transformational partnerships across the enterprise and leverages our preeminent scientific tools, while inspiring and challenging our world-class workforce.
Infrastructure Modernization
Modern, reliable, general-purpose infrastructure is critical to successful, efficient mission execution now and in the future and is key to attracting and retaining exceptional scientific staff. Top-priority infrastructure modernizations support Lawrence Livermore’s core nuclear weapons mission. The Lab has implemented a new set of processes and tools to prioritize investments to ensure mission success, such as the Nuclear Weapons Enterprise Modeling Suite. These models support strategic decision-making across the NNSA complex and heighten our agility now and in the future.

Exascale Computing Facility Modernization
We are meeting the needs of tomorrow’s supercomputers by providing exascale-class service (supercomputers capable of at least one quintillion calculations per second) to the NNSA laboratories: LLNL, Los Alamos, and Sandia.

Polymer Production Enclave
A polymer production enclave, in partnership with Kansas City National Security Campus, will modernize and streamline our polymer production processes. The polymer production enclave will have a powerful impact on the timelines for introducing new materials and processes into the stockpile.
Production Modernization
Lawrence Livermore National Lab has built an incredible foundation of science, technology, and engineering tools and capabilities. While relying largely on life extension programs to maintain legacy systems, SD can now make necessary changes utilizing the tools of the Stockpile Stewardship Program to confidently meet military requirements, make production more cost-effective and efficient, and render the full lifecycle of a weapon more sustainable. We are modernizing the NNSA production enterprise by changing the way we think about the stockpile modernization process.

The polymer enclave is not just a building at LLNL but is a highly novel approach to quicker product realization through close collaboration with the Kansas City National Security Complex. To streamline production as much as possible, identical equipment and processes will be leveraged at both sites.

In partnership with Y-12 National Security Complex, SD is developing a cold hearth melter to increase production throughput while minimizing waste.