Stockpile Science
Ensuring the Confidence of the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent
Our multidisciplinary teams are assessing a stockpile that has aged more than a quarter century since being tested underground, while modernizing the physics package of two warheads for deployment on new delivery systems without any additional nuclear tests. To do this complex work, we perform applied physics research and develop new models to advance physical and computational sciences relevant to the nuclear stockpile. We design, field, and analyze experiments leveraging world-class research facilities at LLNL and across the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) complex to help validate these models.

Areas of Scientific Preeminence
To ensure we can provide the stockpile science capabilities the nation counts on, we aggressively pursue preeminence in high-performance computing, high-energy-density (HED) science, next-generation experimental technologies, energetic materials, and advanced manufacturing.